Yoruba Land: Culture and Food

Nigeria can roughly be divided into three geographical areas which represent the three largest ethnic groups. These are the Yoruba in the Southwest, the Ibo in the Southeast and the Hausa in the North. Each group has its own language and culture. In my work observering the voter registration process for NDI I was assigned to cover the Southwest. Fortunately, I had an opportunity, through a friend of a colleague, to become better acquainted with the Yoruba people than my work alone would have allowed. After spending time with Seye and her family, including eating traditional food and visiting the family's livestock I received an honorary Yoruba name: Omodara. Omodara means "good girl" as in a girl that is well-behaved, well educated and pleasant. Of course I was honored to receive such a name and believe I was given it because I did not complain about the intense heat, consistant lack of electricity and ate willingly with my hands Nigerian style. Above are some pictures with Seye's family, eating pounded yam and a vegetable soup with chunks of cow skin, a delicacy in Yoruba Land.